HanseView allow for remote control through text files. This can be done on a local computer or via file sharing. Basic concept is that a command written to a text file is read by HanseView then executed and output placed to a text file.
This remote control capability allows for test stand integration. You can then use 1 of two models. Have test stand send set point commands or profile start stop commands to control chamber then read back current status. Other option is to have test stand read only status and react to conditions and time to perform necessary equipment test.
Video Tutorial
Simple Demonstration
Note on Version 3 HanseView program directory is been moved out of Program directoy and placed by default C:\HanseView instead of C:\Program Files\HanseView.
Run: Notepad
Open: "C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\Chamber.INI"
Find Section: "[System Parameters]"
Add or Change:Remote Control File=C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt
Save & Close file
Run: HanseVIEW
Run: NotePad
Open: "C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt"
Type: run
Save the File
Hanseview will start with stop code "Remote Start"
Defining Remote Control File
C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\Chamber.INI contains section
[System Parameters]Remote Control File=C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt
This specifies the file you will write to. HanseVIEW will only load new setting on startup
For Status see included "RemoteControl.txt" file and "RemoteControl.status" response file
HanseVIEW tracks changes to the file and executes ASCII text commands written to the text file.
Basic Commands
Start the currently loaded profile to run
Stops currently executing test
Writes current time/date and test status to RemoteControl.Status file (text file)
load c:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\Profiles\Default.vcm
Loads profile Default.vcm into the controller
Added manual controls to file interface in 2.2.3
mant sp,rate
Manual set point and rate for temperature
manv sp,rate
Manual set point and rate for vibration
mana hex
Manual auxiliaries see table bellow. This is a conversion of 16 bit binary to hex. First bit is Aux 16 last bit is Aux 1

Sample Programs:
Sample BASIC Program to run chamber
Open "c:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt" for output as fileno
Open "c:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt" for output as fileno
Open "c:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.txt" for output as fileno
Print#fileno,"run" Close fileno
Sample BASIC Program to stop chamber
Print#fileno,"stop" Close fileno
Sample BASIC Program to load a profile
Print#fileno,"load c:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\Profiles\Default.vcm" Close fileno
These samples assume both programs are running on same computer. UNC network name can be substituted for "c:\Program Files\ChamberView\" to run remotely. Appropriate error handling ust be added for unavailable files or machines. Actual "RemoteControl.txt" file spec is defined in HanseVIEW setup, but it should be local to HanseVIEW controller due to poll rates. We generally put the Remote Control file in a directory by itself with read/write privileges if network access is desired.
Response file is always C:\Program Files\HanseVIEW\RemoteControl.status If network access is desired this directory is shared with Read/Only Attributes.
Status File Format
If you install the demo & HanseVIEW software on same computer this should also work for you. If you ran HansVIEW PRIOR to running the demo the first time, you would need to restart HanseVIEW to activate the remote control.
Example Status File. Please note yours will change based on what options and inputs are selected. It is bes to make your prgram search the Varaible name to find it's value
May 29, 2014 14:34:29 Channel 3 Temp Below Low Limit Data directory C:\HanseVIEW\Data\AAR\Thermal Test Out\Heat Step Test Out Elapsed Time 0:00:06 Remaining Time 1:55:3600 Profile Segment 1 Vibration1 Process Variable 0.000000 Vibration2 Process Variable 0.000000 Vibration3 Process Variable 0.000000 Vibration4 Process Variable 0.000000 Vibration Controller Process Variable 0.000000 Vibration SetPoint -299.899994 Product Process Variable 25.000000 Air Process Variable 25.000000 Temperature Setpoint -299.899994 Temperature3 Process Variable -56094.765625 Temperature4 Process Variable -56094.765625 Temperature5 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature6 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature7 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature8 Process Variable -56094.765625 Temperature9 Process Variable -56094.765625 Temperature10 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature11 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature12 Process Variable -56135.703125 Temperature13 Process Variable -56133.664063 Temperature14 Process Variable -56133.664063 Temperature15 Process Variable -56133.664063 Temperature16 Process Variable